Soccer California | News and Articles

U.S. Soccer ITC Process Update

Written by Cal North Soccer | Aug 31, 2023 9:47:33 PM


U.S. Soccer is on track to implement agreed upon ITC updates that were designed after
collecting direct feedback from over 65% of membership via our membership survey and during
more than ten 1:1 meetings with member organizations’ leadership.

We’re confident that these updates will bring several benefits to our members including:
Decreasing the number of impacted players, getting more kids on the field to play
Enabling quicker turnaround times on U.S. Soccer responses and approvals
• Providing clearer and multilingual instructions, giving parents, coaches, administrators,
and players more direction

The update process would focus the process on clubs and players who self-select as ones on the
pathway to being a part of the professional or global soccer ecosystem. The accompanying
presentation has been previously shared with a subset of stakeholders, but we wanted to
provide it again as it presents the clearest overview of our ambition to create the designation of
a ‘Pathway’ club.

This month, we welcomed Shari Summers, our Chief Soccer Growth Officer and in September,
we will welcome a Chief Product Officer; both will play important roles in supporting these
improvements. As we look to finalize other changes to our processes and technology, we are
asking members to begin identifying those ‘Pathway’ clubs. In the near-term, clubs can expect
the following:
• We will provide a clear process and mechanism for clubs to opt-in as ‘Pathway’ in the
coming months
• We will make an announcement, and share an updated ITC webpage, providing
necessary details and FAQs in multiple languages
• We will provide a one-pager that can be distributed directly to players’ families

View Updated ITC Process Presentation

U.S. Soccer is confident that the positive momentum will continue as we look to make soccer
more easily accessible for all. We will continue to provide updates as they become available.
Please contact with any questions or feedback.